Priority: ● Medium
Status: In Progress - Undergoing Analysis
First Published: 13 November 2023
Advisory Version: 1.0
References: CVE-2023-5363
A bug has been discovered in OpenSSL 3.0 and 3.1 that could lead to a weakness in affected versions' implementation of certain symmetric-key algorithms. A component within Hitachi Vantara Ops Center that uses OpenSSL has been found to be potentially affected by this bug. Please refer to the formal entry for CVE-2023-5363 for comprehensive information regarding this vulnerability.
Product | Fixed Release Version |
Software | |
Hitachi Ops Center Analyzer Viewpoint | Fixed release schedule to be determined |
At the time of this advisory's publication, only products listed in the Vulnerable Products section above are confirmed to be affected by this vulnerability.
Hitachi Vantara is currently investigating a fix for this vulnerability. Please continue to check this advisory for any new information regarding the release schedule of the fixed version of Hitachi Ops Center Analyzer Viewpoint.
If any of the information presented above remains unclear, please contact the Hitachi Vantara Global Support Center, or your Vantara-authorized service and support provider.
The information contained herein is for informational purposes only. It is not intended as a guaranty or warranty about Hitachi Vantara’s products, including any guaranty or warranty that any product cannot be exploited by third parties. All product warranties and obligations to a customer must be specified in a mutually acceptable and executed contract between the parties.
Tags: CVE,pagetype:knowledgearticle,article:cve
PageID: 182034