There are two procedures outlined:
- Option A: To collect logs and data
- Option B: To collect only logs
Option A: To collect both logs and data.
1. Login to HDCA / Ops Center Analyzer Detailview server as root using ssh client like Putty.
2. Create a directory using following command to copy logs.
mkdir /data/cumulus
3. Note the appliance UUID of the probe for which you want to collect the logs. The appliance UUID is present on HDCA Probe GUI home page.
4. In the below given command, replace the appliance UUID and date for which you need to capture the data and logs:
cp -R /data/meghadata/<Appliance UUID>/YYYYMMDD/ /data/cumulus/
For eg. if you are requested to capture data and logs for 6th and 7th June 2017, commands will be like:
cp -R /data/meghadata/5705581b-29ce-45cf-b1ea-2792d40e65b4/20170606/ /data/cumulus/
cp -R /data/meghadata/5705581b-29ce-45cf-b1ea-2792d40e65b4/20170607/ /data/cumulus/
5. Tar up the cumulus directory using following command and share the cumulus.tar file with support team.
tar -czvf cumulus.tar.gz /data/cumulus/
6. If you have more than one appliance UUID and you need to capture the data and logs, then tar up using below command:
tar -czvf /data/cumulus/cumulusData.tar.gz /data/meghadata/*/20170606 /data/meghadata/*/20170607
Option B: To collect only logs
1. Login to HDCA / Ops Center Analyzer Detailview server as root using ssh client like Putty.
2. Create a directory using following command to copy logs.
mkdir /data/cumulus
3. Note the appliance UUID of the probe for which you want to collect the logs. The appliance UUID is present on HDCA Probe GUI home page.
4. In the below given command, replace the appliance UUID and date for which you want to capture the logs:
cp /data/meghadata/<Appliance UUID>/YYYYMMDD/*log* /data/cumulus
For eg. if you are requested to capture logs for 6th and 7th June 2017, commands will be like:
cp /data/meghadata/5705581b-29ce-45cf-b1ea-2792d40e65b4/20170606/*log* /data/cumulus
cp /data/meghadata/5705581b-29ce-45cf-b1ea-2792d40e65b4/20170607/*log* /data/cumulus
5. Tar up the cumulus directory using following command and share the cumulus.tar file with support team.
tar -czvf cumulus.tar /data/cumulus/