Ops Center Administrator Logs Collection


Follow this procedure to generate logs for Ops Center Administrator.



  • Ops Center 10.x, 11.x


Please follow below procedure to generate Ops Center Administrator logs.

Ops Center Administrator Logs collection:

Using CLI (Command Line Interface) to download Ops Center Administrator maintenance information.

  1. Either open an SSH connection to the VM or open the VMware console and press Alt+F2 to reach the console.
  2. Log in as a root account.
  3. In the terminal, enter the command: /opt/rainier/bin/rainier-getlogs -dir [output-directory].
  4. Check the location of collected log file (rainier-logs.tar.gz) in the specified output directory, and copy the file to your client computer as required.
  5. Upload data to TUF upload page: https://tuf.hitachivantara.com/uploadthru/upload


Ops Center Administrator Installation Logs collection:

If the problem is related to upgrade please also collect and upload the files from the below directory:



Ops Center Administrator Job details collection:

zip -r /tmp/payload.zip /var/log/rainier-audit-log/payloads/*


CXOne Metadata

Tags: article:howto,Data Collection,pagetype:knowledgearticle,Ops Center Logs,Administrator Logs,Administrator Log Collection,Administrator Log,Ops Center Administrator Logs,Ops Center Administrator Log
PageID: 96137